Life means ?

Life is so short and there are so many things that can happen during this short time. I view life like a maze. How do I feel about life? Life is a huge obstacle course full of challenges and mazes that seem to be endless. We won’t ever get to the end of the maze or find our way out because the only way to find the exit is death. Then when we are dead we can see the maze from above and see that it was so easy. We made the wrong turns and wasted so much time in one direction just to come to a dead end and instead of trying to turn around and start over we tried to climb over that wall but we failed. All people that were in that maze with us disappeared and when we died they were nothing to me anymore so no longer is it we or us. It is me. It is the creator of the maze and myself and all he cares about is if we at least attempted to go the right direction. The only question that matters now is… Did I try to take the right paths?

                                                                           This time I am confused about my life, I have no idea about situation I live or die. Please help me and answer.

My question is what can I do on earth that may change our afterlife?

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